"Ever since I was a child, I have always shown a great passion for everything related to clothing: I enjoyed mixing garments, stubbornly refusing to wear what was suggested to me, or I would design new outfits and hairstyles for my first models, the blonde Barbies that filled the room. Therefore, the urge to express an identity through fashion has always been strong in me, never settling for what was offered and always trying to reinterpret clothes and combinations through my own sensitivity and personal taste. I have always had a strong critical spirit towards the shop windows I frequented; I wondered why, with beautiful fabrics and yarns available, such artificial and unflattering garments were often created, aimed more at shocking than at being worn." With this thought in mind, the brand Alessia Santi was born".

Non per finta e non per gli altri. Una donna eterea nella sua testardaggine, e gentile nella sua concretezza. Una donna che nonostante tutto continua, passo dopo passo, a voler sentire il sole in volto, non per finta, non per gli altri, ma per la bellezza di essere donna. Da 20 anni a questa parte questa donna è Alessia Santi.